A woman and her baby access health services.
Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of reproductive health services and programs. Resources include communication materials for behavioral change around family planning, tools specifically focused on adolescent health, and community-oriented tools.
Woman using CommCare app
Supply Chain Management
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of management activities and procurement of basic health products. Supply chain management resources provide guidance to achieve the goal of delivering the right products to the right people, at the right time, and in the right amount.
A woman and her baby access health services.
Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Adolescents
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of reproductive health services and programs, specifically for adolescent populations. The resources include behavior change communication materials, tools specifically focused around adolescent health, and community-oriented tools.
A woman and her baby access health services.

It is important that SRH education for adolescents provide correct and comprehensive information, while developing skills to negotiate sexual behaviors. Educational materials and activities must be creative in the way they reach adolescent populations, creating a positive learning environment. The materials included in this module are a flip chart that describes information on family planning and a game that facilitates learning about SRH. In addition, there are posters and triptychs directed at adolescent populations that promote reproductive health and describe family planning and its importance.

These tools were designed to complement the training they received on counseling and education in the previous module. For more educational materials for family planning, please consult our reproductive health toolkit.


Flipchart of Methods of Protection and Contraception for adolescents

This flipchart details pertinent information on methods of protection and contraception for adolescents, so that health personnel can share it and discuss it with the adolescent, in order to choose the method that best suits their needs and particularities. The methods contemplated are: male condom, oral contraceptives, intrauterine device, monthly injection and subdermal implant. For each method, it is explained that it is, its operation or mechanisms of action, advantages and disadvantages, and common myths. In the case of condoms and oral contraception, the explanation of how they should be used correctly by the adolescent is detailed. This flipchart can be used in the consultation of individual comprehensive care in order to provide counseling on contraception and sexual protection, as well as in the complementary group activity and individual counseling in SSR, in order to deepen the information and guidance on this subject.

Mystery Exploration Game

This game aims to work with adolescents on how to assume their sexuality in a responsible, safe and pleasant way, recognizing that adolescents are in a process of exploring their sexuality, fully understood, which not only arouses curiosity about changes and transformations in themselves, as in others, but also by new sensations and experiences. This exploration can be exciting, but if protection measures are not taken, it can be risky, which is reflected in the game, which is why the basic resources for a safe exploration are addressed. The purpose of this game is to facilitate the learning of basic concepts for the protection of the SSR, through useful, pertinent and updated information that the health personnel share with the adolescents, being a playful support for the realization of the activity complementary group.

Posters: "If you suspect you are pregnant" - Woman alone / with a friend

These posters aim to sensitize women of childbearing age on the importance of performing the pregnancy test at the first lack of menstruation as a key behavior to initiate early prenatal control. They are a reinforcement of the suggested campaign of social communication mainly aimed at young women for whom a pregnancy may be unwelcome or unwanted. Since in the rapid diagnosis it was found that this group is the most delayed to attend the health services to confirm the pregnancy, hides it or is afraid, seeks the help of a friend before taking the test thus delaying enrollment and receive the corresponding controls.
The posters can also be used as generating materials for analysis and discussion with young people, in talks at schools, etc. on the problem of untimely pregnancy in adolescence and its consequences for life plans, also promoting confidentiality and free of charge in health facilities and with the promoter and promoter of health. In health establishments and promoters' offices, they should be placed in strategic areas such as waiting rooms, clinical laboratory and differentiated areas for adolescents.

Poster: "If you have big dreams"

This poster has the function of sending young girls the message that a pregnancy can delay the achievement of their dreams and life goals. Promote the main decision "decide to wait for sex" and use the modern methods of family planning available for free in health facilities. In health establishments and promoters' offices, they should be placed in strategic areas such as waiting rooms and differentiated areas for adolescents.

The posters can also be used as generating materials for group analysis and discussion with young people, in talks at schools, educational sessions, sexual and reproductive health fairs, among others, on the problem of untimely pregnancy in adolescence and its consequences for life plans. , also promoting the confidentiality and free of charge of the test in health establishments and with the health promoter and promoter. In social mobilizations and sexual and reproductive health fairs, it can be transformed into promotional banners or pennants of modern methods of family planning. This poster is to be placed in community spaces more frequented by young girls as well.

Triptych: "If you are going to have sex, use a condom"

This triptych has the function of supporting the counseling processes with young men related to the use of condoms to prevent pregnancies, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Promotes the main decision to use condoms without excuses for sexual intercourse and that are available free of charge in health facilities. It can also be used in educational sessions with young people and as support material in the training of youth facilitators. This triptych reinforces and explains in more detail the message of the previous poster aimed at young men.

Poster: "If you are going to have sex, take care of yourself"

This poster aims to promote in young women the empowerment and self-care of their sexual and reproductive health, as well as the prevention of an untimely pregnancy that limits the fulfillment of their dreams and goals. Highlight the main message that the woman can be the one who puts the rules in a relationship, especially in what refers to sexual activity since it is she who generally risks her health, goals and dreams. This is based on the educational diagnosis that revealed that many young people give in to that their partner does not use a condom for fear of not liking them and leaving them. In health establishments and promoters' offices, they should be placed in strategic areas such as waiting rooms and differentiated areas for adolescents. The posters can also be used as generating materials for group analysis and discussion with young people, in talks at schools, educational sessions, sexual and reproductive health fairs, among others, on the problem of untimely pregnancy in adolescence and its consequences for life plans. 

Triptych: "Do you not want a pregnancy? Take care of yourself"

This triptych has the function of supporting the counseling processes with young women for the prevention of pregnancy, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Explains the different contraceptive methods available in health facilities where they are provided confidentially and free of charge. It has been developed mainly for use in face to face counseling so it should be available in each office. It can also be used in educational sessions, talks and as support material in the training of youth facilitators and reinforces the message of the poster.