A woman and her baby access health services.
Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of reproductive health services and programs. Resources include communication materials for behavioral change around family planning, tools specifically focused on adolescent health, and community-oriented tools.
Woman using CommCare app
Supply Chain Management
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of management activities and procurement of basic health products. Supply chain management resources provide guidance to achieve the goal of delivering the right products to the right people, at the right time, and in the right amount.
A woman and her baby access health services.
Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Adolescents
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of reproductive health services and programs, specifically for adolescent populations. The resources include behavior change communication materials, tools specifically focused around adolescent health, and community-oriented tools.
A woman and her baby access health services.

This module contains resources for implementing reproductive health interventions aimed at adolescents and is available in the form of manuals, guides, checklists and examples of country implementation experience. Data at the national level show that continued investment in effective strategies and programming for prevention and treatment is essential to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. The strategies must be adapted to the development needs of this age group and their social contexts.

Implementation tools include counseling models and supervision manuals to improve performance. The available evaluation report provides an example of research conducted before the development of reproductive health programs for adolescents.