A woman and her baby access health services.
Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of reproductive health services and programs. Resources include communication materials for behavioral change around family planning, tools specifically focused on adolescent health, and community-oriented tools.
Woman using CommCare app
Supply Chain Management
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of management activities and procurement of basic health products. Supply chain management resources provide guidance to achieve the goal of delivering the right products to the right people, at the right time, and in the right amount.
A woman and her baby access health services.
Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Adolescents
This toolkit describes the planning and implementation of reproductive health services and programs, specifically for adolescent populations. The resources include behavior change communication materials, tools specifically focused around adolescent health, and community-oriented tools.
A woman and her baby access health services.

Plan for the development and updating of normative documents and comprehensive care screening protocols for adolescents: Costa Rica

This document has two parts, the first of which includes the technical manual, in which the conceptual and technical framework that should support the operational task of comprehensive health care for adolescents, with emphasis on SRH, is made explicit. In the second part of the document, the procedures manual is presented, which describes how the specific actions of attention set forth in the technical manual will be developed. In the annex there is a form of registration form for health consultation and risk assessment. This document was created for the context of Costa Rica, however, it is also an example of program planning that can be adapted for other contexts.

Planning Guide and Report: Counseling model in FP, with a gender focus and with cultural relevance, and differentiated for adolescents operating in the services of the indigenous districts and scattered rural areas: Panama

This document serves as an example and planning guide for a family planning counseling model with a focus on gender and cultural relevance for services in indigenous and rural communities. This document describes the concepts of structure and theory that support the family planning counseling model with cultural relevance in the indigenous communities of Panama. The document is organized into six chapters, in addition to bibliographical references and annexes. The model described is aimed at personnel from the Basic and Community Health Teams of the Indigenous Comarcas and Dispersed Rural Areas to provide counseling / counseling in contraception to women, men and / or couples from the communities, it is part of the National Program of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Panama (MINSA). In addition, it includes a section of specific clinical guidelines for differentiated care for adolescents.

Implementation plans of the designed counseling model and development of competencies to the different audiences: Panama

This document is an example of an implementation plan for a family planning counseling model in Panama. The document describes the five steps necessary for the implementation of a successful counseling model and contains a section on supervision and monitoring and evaluation with examples of performance indicators for the implementation of the model. The document details the different stages of the execution of the model: sensitization and approval of the model, preparation, training, implementation and, finally, supervision and monitoring and evaluation. This document deepens the activities at each stage, at what level of the health care system the activity should be carried out and who is responsible for its execution. It has information and specific tools to work with adolescent populations.

Monitoring and performance monitoring manual by level of attention: Costa Rica

The manual presents all the methodological and technical elements included in the Process of Monitoring and Supervision of Performance by Level of Attention. It includes the mechanisms and tools proposed for monitoring and supervising the performance of health services and personnel involved in the comprehensive care of adolescents with an emphasis on SRH. This manual was created for the context of Costa Rica. Likewise, the document describes the approach, the objective, the principles and characteristics of the supervision process, the actors and scenarios involved, the regularity of the supervisory visits, the supervision methods, the supervision visits and the instruments that will be used in these visits. This manual has four methodological guides that include: 1. Methodological Guide for the Group Entrance Interview; 2. Methodological Guide for the Review of Files; 3. Methodological Guide for Critical Incident Analysis or Hypothetical Case; 4. Methodological Guide for the Closing Group Interview.

Patient Record in SRH Care and Risk Assessment

This tool contains a record of care registration and also a risk assessment. The file is a form where the information of the integral consultation is consigned and that consists of several sections: personal data; data of the physical evaluation carried out in the pre-consultation; the questionnaire for risk assessment; the results of the evaluation and the referrals. This form can be adapted in a digital form. This is used by the Basic Teams of Integral Health Care in Costa Rica as part of their computer system. The risk assessment is carried out by means of a questionnaire included in the Record of Care Registration (in the part below) that includes three dimensions: social dissension, mental health and sexual and reproductive health. The results of this evaluation determine the follow-up actions to the adolescent person to respond to their specific needs. This tool must be used during the provision of basic integral care.