Poster: "If you are going to have sex, take care of yourself"

This poster aims to promote in young women the empowerment and self-care of their sexual and reproductive health, as well as the prevention of an untimely pregnancy that limits the fulfillment of their dreams and goals. Highlight the main message that the woman can be the one who puts the rules in a relationship, especially in what refers to sexual activity since it is she who generally risks her health, goals and dreams. This is based on the educational diagnosis that revealed that many young people give in to that their partner does not use a condom for fear of not liking them and leaving them. In health establishments and promoters' offices, they should be placed in strategic areas such as waiting rooms and differentiated areas for adolescents. The posters can also be used as generating materials for group analysis and discussion with young people, in talks at schools, educational sessions, sexual and reproductive health fairs, among others, on the problem of untimely pregnancy in adolescence and its consequences for life plans.