Poster: "If you have big dreams"

This poster has the function of sending young girls the message that a pregnancy can delay the achievement of their dreams and life goals. Promote the main decision "decide to wait for sex" and use the modern methods of family planning available for free in health facilities. In health establishments and promoters' offices, they should be placed in strategic areas such as waiting rooms and differentiated areas for adolescents.

The posters can also be used as generating materials for group analysis and discussion with young people, in talks at schools, educational sessions, sexual and reproductive health fairs, among others, on the problem of untimely pregnancy in adolescence and its consequences for life plans. , also promoting the confidentiality and free of charge of the test in health establishments and with the health promoter and promoter. In social mobilizations and sexual and reproductive health fairs, it can be transformed into promotional banners or pennants of modern methods of family planning. This poster is to be placed in community spaces more frequented by young girls as well.