Posters: "If you suspect you are pregnant" - Woman alone / with a friend

These posters aim to sensitize women of childbearing age on the importance of performing the pregnancy test at the first lack of menstruation as a key behavior to initiate early prenatal control. They are a reinforcement of the suggested campaign of social communication mainly aimed at young women for whom a pregnancy may be unwelcome or unwanted. Since in the rapid diagnosis it was found that this group is the most delayed to attend the health services to confirm the pregnancy, hides it or is afraid, seeks the help of a friend before taking the test thus delaying enrollment and receive the corresponding controls.
The posters can also be used as generating materials for analysis and discussion with young people, in talks at schools, etc. on the problem of untimely pregnancy in adolescence and its consequences for life plans, also promoting confidentiality and free of charge in health facilities and with the promoter and promoter of health. In health establishments and promoters' offices, they should be placed in strategic areas such as waiting rooms, clinical laboratory and differentiated areas for adolescents.