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El Salvador improves maternal and child care in the poorest areas of the country with IDB support
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An investment of US$850,000 will make it possible to operate in 78 health centers and nine hospitals.
The activity is part of the Salud Mesoamerica Initiative, which has already benefited 85,000 children and women.

Chiapas Secretary of Health and the IDB strengthen their alliance to reduce maternal and infant…
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Originally published in Spanish by Chiapas Secretary of Health
San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.-
The State Government, through the Ministry of Health, recognized the Inter-…

The Community Platform is presented in Chiapas as an example of good practices in Mexico
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Ciudad de México. March 27th 2019

The competency development program equips middle managers with the necessary skills to coach…
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Ciudad de México. 27 de marzo de 2019

Successes and failed experiences, key lessons to improve the quality of health services in Belize
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Jaime Zamora. Quality Officer of the Salud Mesoamerica Initiative
In 2013, only 30 percent of newborn children in Belize received quality medical care. Four years later, in 2017, this figure rose to 89 percent. Improvement of quality in health services has benefitted not only the newborns,…

Strengthening Quality Improvement & Leadership Skills to Drive Improvement on the Frontlines
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This article was first published in the website of

In a Rare Success, Paraguay Conquers Malaria
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Paraguay has eliminated malaria, the first country in the Americas to do so in almost 50 years, according to the World Health Organization.

Which is the second region in the world with the highest adolescent pregnancy rate?
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This a translation of an article published in the blog …