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María Dominga Pineda and her daughter Alison Fabiola at their home in Tambla Lempira, Honduras

Tambla Lempira –Honduras- (November. 2016). Marta Leticia Cartagena is 31 years old and lives in Tambla Lempira, a municipality located in one of the poorest regions of Honduras, very closet o the border with El Salvador. Marta has been working for four years as a promoter at the health center of this locality. She has drawn a map of the town’s houses on the wall of her office. There is an annotation for each house, based on each neighbor’s health needs: “pregnant woman”, “child under 36 months of age”, “woman who has just given birth”. The houses posing a greater health risk are painted red. She knows each one of her 3,100 neighbors. And she knows precisely what their needs are.