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The nutrition puzzle

Submitted by bid-saludmesoamerica on

Fuente: The economist

IN ELDORADO, one of São Paulo’s poorest and most misleadingly named favelas, some eight-year-old boys are playing football on a patch of ground once better known for drug gangs and hunger. Although they look the picture of health, they are not. After the match they gather around a sack of bananas beside the pitch.


Between June and October 2014, the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) consulted 26 international maternal health researchers to gather perspectives on the most critical and neglected areas for knowledge generation to improve maternal health in low- and mid

Submitted by bid-saludmesoamerica on

Fuente: The Lancet

Last month, the Lancet published a review analyzing inequalities in maternal, newborn, and child health interventions by intervention and country. Although SM2015 countries were not included in this analysis, the message, methodology and findings here are important to groups working to close the health care gap between the rich and the poor. Follow this link to read which countries and interventions were found to be the most inequitable according to the Lancet review.


Critical Maternal Health Knowledge Gaps in Low- and Middle-Income Countries for Post-2015: Researchers’ Perspectives

Submitted by bid-saludmesoamerica on

Between June and October 2014, the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) consulted 26 international maternal health researchers to gather perspectives on the most critical and neglected areas for knowledge generation to improve maternal health in low- and middle-income countries. This paper, the result of consultations with international maternal health experts, proposes an agenda for the next decade of maternal health research.
