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Implementation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Adolescents

Political and strategic frameworks & norms

This module contains national standards and guidelines that describe the commitments of each country to provide accessible quality sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents. National, regional, and local reproductive health norms and policies should include specific approaches and programming aimed at this population due to their unique health needs.

This module allows you to examine national policy documents, standards, strategies, and manuals. The tools include national standards for adolescent reproductive health care and a national guide on counseling for adolescent health care. The guides available in this module were created by national governments to provide regulations for implementation and standardize various programmatic and service delivery activities. These documents include educational materials on how to provide care in accordance with national requirements. These resources are designed to provide a knowledge base before delving into the operational aspects of implementation and programming.


  • This national standard of Costa Rica guides the actions of health personnel and favors the implementation of a differentiated service that responds effectively to the characteristics and particular needs of adolescents. This standard constitutes a fundamental input for the exercise of health regulation, and is part of the new paradigm that aims to move from the emphasis on the care of the disease to the promotion of health. To do so, it assumes as a path to expand the frontier of preventive interventions and health promotion in adolescence, from a clear positioning of evidence-based actions, as well as in the targeting of interventions that favor the most vulnerable groups in this age group. a sense of equity in health. This norm is of obligatory national application for all institutions, establishments, organizations and persons with responsibilities in the field of integral health care services addressed to adolescents, be they public or private.

  • This booklet constitutes a summary of said Technical and Procedures Manual, to which you can turn if you want more detail. Here is a guide of the main tasks that the staff of the Basic Team of Integral Attention in Health (EBAIS) in Costa Rica should perform to consult the individual comprehensive care of adolescents, which involves the following 4 activities: 1. Reception of adolescents 2. Informative waiting and self registration; 3. Pre-consultation; 4. Medical Consultation. This abbreviated manual contains the main procedures that must be developed for each of these activities to facilitate the differentiated attention of adolescents in health centers. This manual was created for the context of Costa Rica. The complete manual is available in the training module.

  • This booklet constitutes a summary of said Technical and Procedures Manual, to which you can turn if you want more detail. Here is a guide to the main actions to be developed for the referral and follow-up of at-risk adolescents, according to the evaluation made in the individual comprehensive care consultation. This manual was created for the context of Costa Rica. The complete manual is available in the training module.