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About us 

Regional alliance that articulates the 10 Mesoamerican countries, the private sector, international cooperation, the IDB and UNICEF, around a common goal: to transform education systems so that more vulnerable youth graduate from high school with skills relevant to life and work.

Our goal is to increase by 3 million the number of vulnerable youth graduating from high school with adequate life and work skills

Educación Mesoamérica:

Follows an innovative methodology of results-based financing, offering economic incentives to the countries by returning 50% of their investment if they are successful in achieving the proposed goals . It guarantees close support to the ministries of education (from the central to local level), to solve the main bottlenecks that prevent achieving the desired results. It offers countries a selection of cost-effective interventions, and independent monitoring and evaluation, to ensure constant learning and accountability. 

Generates opportunities focused on the 20%  most vulnerable youth, helping to reduce the educational gap, and moving the needle in indicators of three main pillars: Relevant learning (basic and transversal skills), continuous attendance (enrollment and graduation) and positive environments (free from violence and with a sense of belonging).

Acelera cambios sistémicos en materia de educación secundaria, analizando los sistemas educativos y sus condiciones de respuesta; entendiendo que los problemas que se buscan  abordar son dinámicos e interdependientes; enfocando las intervenciones a los distintos puntos de apalancamiento para mover la aguja, en vez de impulsar intervenciones aisladas que abordan de manera lineal las causas de los problemas. ​

Sostiene una alianza con impacto regional sostenible: que permita alcanzar compromisos al más alto nivel, y articular el esfuerzo de gobiernos, sector privado, ONGs y organizaciones internacionales en torno a un objetivo común con indicadores medibles e impacto colectivo; y poniendo a disposición una plataforma para documentar aprendizajes e intervenciones para compartirlos dentro y fuera de la región.

We are committed to a region where the future of a person is not determined by the context in which he was born, but in the development of her or his maximum potential.

La brecha que buscamos cerrar​

Today, more than two-thirds of all vulnerable youth in Mesoamerica will never finish high school. Of those who do complete their studies, only 5% will achieve the basic skills they need to thrive in their communities. Furthermore, of all the young people affected, the 80% who neither study nor work are women.

To this reality must be added a new barrier, "the closure of schools due to the COVID-19 crisis." This situation has affected 23 million young high school students in Mesoamerica, who:

  • No tienen las posibilidades de aprender como solían hacerlo
  • La crisis económica ha golpeado fuerte sus expectativas de progreso
  • La marcada brecha digital -que dificulta la continuidad educativa- ha reducido las posibilidades de que regresen a la escuela

​Estimaciones conservadoras del BID prevén que, casi un millón de jóvenes no volverá a la escuela tras la crisis del COVID-19, lo que representa un aumento del 21% en el ausentismo escolar, y con ello de una notable reducción de las perspectivas de crecimiento económico de la región.

Educación Mesoamérica es el resultado de una alianza estratégica entre el BID y UNICEF.