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Data that is useful to heal
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Original article published in Spanish in the newspaper El Pais
Every day, Paulina tours Belize to interview those responsible for the health teams. She compiles and analyzes hundreds of data dispersed in different…
Learning from Bill Gates
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Fuente: La Nación
NEW YORK – Everyone – from elected officials and bureaucrats to voters and taxpayers – can learn from the world's largest charitable foundation about effective development spending. And these lessons are particularly relevant at a time when 56% of Europeans believe their…
The Latin American Library
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Fuente: Tulane University
The Latin American Library at Tulane University is pleased to announce the Richard E. Greenleaf Fellowships to support research at the Library for 2017-18. Their purpose is to offer researchers who permanently reside in any country of Latin America or the Caribbean short-…
Melinda Gates: I Wouldn't Be Where I Am Today Without Contraceptives
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Fuente: the dail yeye
Growing up in a Catholic household in Texas, I never would have guessed that I would one day travel around the world talking about the benefits of contraceptives.
A Whatsapp group in Belize helps to diagnose complications during pregnancy
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Adequate management of obstetric complications has increased by more than 70 percentage points during the past five years in Belize
The door-to-door battle for health equity in Honduras
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María Dominga Pineda and her daughter Alison Fabiola at their home in Tambla Lempira, Honduras
Tambla Lempira –Honduras- (November. 2016). Marta Leticia Cartagena is 31 years old and lives in Tambla Lempira, a municipality located in one of the poorest regions of Honduras, very closet o the border…
Advancing Early Childhood Development: from Science to Scale
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Fuente: The Lancet
The 2016 Lancet Early Childhood Development Series highlights early childhood development at a time when it has been universally endorsed in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This Series considers new scientific evidence for interventions, building on the findings and…
Dr. emma iriarte, salud mesoamerica initiative, speaks about a systemic approach to family planning…
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Fuente: Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition
The memory is 25 years old, but remains fresh in Dr. Emma Iriarte’s mind. The first thing she noticed was that the husband had accompanied his wife. Usually in the remote mountain villages of Honduras, women went alone to the doctor to ask about…