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About us

Alianza regional que articula a los 10 países de Mesoamérica, el sector privado y la cooperación internacional, al BID y a UNICEF, en torno a un objetivo común: poner a los jóvenes en el foco de la transformación de los sistemas educativos, para así aumentar el número de mujeres y hombres jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad, que se gradúan de la escuela secundaria con habilidades adecuadas para el empleo.

Our primary goal is to increase by 3 million  the number vulnerable youth graduating from high school with adequate skills for employment

Educación Mesoamérica:

Follows an innovative methodology of results-based financing, offering economic incentives to the countries by returning 50% of their investment if they are successful in achieving the proposed goals . It guarantees close support to the ministries of education (from the central to local level), to solve the main bottlenecks that prevent achieving the desired results. It offers countries a selection of cost-effective interventions, and independent monitoring and evaluation, to ensure constant learning and accountability. 

Generates opportunities focused on the 20%  most vulnerable youth, helping to reduce the educational gap, and moving the needle in indicators of three main pillars: Relevant learning (basic and transversal skills), continuous attendance (enrollment and graduation) and positive environments (free from violence and with a sense of belonging).

Creates an alliance with sustainable regional impact, that allows reaching commitments at the highest level and articulating the efforts of governments, the private sector, NGOs and international organizations around a common goal, with measurable indicators and collective impact. In addition, it provides a platform to document learning and interventions in order to share them within and outside the region.

Apostamos por una región donde el futuro de una persona no esté determinado por el contexto en el que nació, sino en el desarrollo de su máximo potencial.

The gap we are aiming to close

En la actualidad, más de dos tercios de todos los jóvenes vulnerables en Mesoamérica no terminarán nunca la educación secundaria. De aquellos que consigan completar sus estudios, solo el 5% logrará las habilidades básicas que necesitan para prosperar en sus comunidades. Además, de todos los jóvenes afectados, el 80% que no estudia, ni trabaja, son mujeres.

A esta realidad hay que sumarle una nueva barrera, “el cierre de escuelas por la crisis del COVID-19”. Tal situación ha afectado a 23 millones de jóvenes estudiantes de secundaria en Mesoamérica, que:

  • Don't have the chance to learn like they used to.
  • The economic crisis has hit hard their expectations of progress
  • The marked digital divide -which hinders educational continuity- has reduced the chances of them going back to school.

Conservative estimates from the IDB predict that almost one million young people will not go back to school after the COVID-19 crisis, which represents a 21% increase in school absenteeism, and with it a notable reduction in the prospects of economic growth of the region.


Educación Mesoamérica es el resultado de una alianza estratégica entre el BID y UNICEF.