Technical manual and procedures for the Integral Attention of adolescents with emphasis on Sexual Health and Reproductive Health: Costa Rica

This manual seeks, therefore, to guide the provision of health services in a standardized manner, but sufficiently flexible to adapt it to the different local realities, and to the particular conditions and context of each adolescent. The actions and activities promoted are based on international and national evidence, as well as on the experience of the health personnel consulted in serving this population. This document has two parts, the first of which includes the technical manual, in which the conceptual and technical framework that should support the operational task of comprehensive health care for adolescents, with emphasis on SRH, is made explicit. This document was created for the context of Costa Rica. In the second part of the document, the procedures that describe the specific actions of attention set out in the technical manual are presented, without being exclusive of all the additional interventions required in each case.