The Vice Minister of Health Services, Dr. Julio Robles Ticas recognized the effort of all MINSAL workers since they are the major players in these achievements, which have improved health indicators, and he thanked IDB for its support given that it is the first strategic ally to improve the health system since 2009 when the Health Reform started.
The Vice Minister informed that, to date, MINSAL has executed 100% of the $60 million loan and used the opportunity to make an appeal to the Legislative Assembly, for the approval of the 0pending $170 million loan that will be used to build the best third level hospital in Central America specializing in non-communicable chronic diseases, which will provide solutions for cancer, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular problems, and to build a second level hospital for the Northern zone of the country, over 30 Ecos and over 40 UCSF for the Northern zone of San Salvador.
He acknowledged the improvements in the Ministry of Health, which went from 377 health units that were in poor conditions to 752 UCSF with over 80% of the equipment, over 3,200 health promoters, over 10,000 new human resources, a progress nobody can deny in these 9 years of Health Reform.
Carmiña Moreno, IDB representative, mentioned that this innovative initiative has contributed benefits and the opportunity to improve lives in the Central American region, being a model for public-private partnerships. She stated that this Project “is a clear example of how we can work collectively towards clear and objective goals”, acknowledging the achievements obtained by the Family Ecos in Health, who have contributed solid outcomes in indicators such as care for women in reproductive age, as well as maternal and child care.
The researcher informed that external monitoring showed that: 3 out of every 4 women with family planning needs now use birth control methods; prenatal care increased from 47.5% in 2011 to 85% in 2017; 82% of pregnant women now receive quality prenatal care; more than 95% of the pregnant women have a delivery plan and are now referred to institutional delivery, and 54% of children under age 5 have received adequate treatment against diarrhea, a great achievement compared to 4.4% in 2011.
The fourth External Fact-Finding monitoring, for recognizing the performance of the Family Ecos and led by Pedro Bernal, IDB researcher, was carried out in April and May, 2017, through a survey that measured 8 out of 10 indicators in the households of the population of the 14 poorest municipalities in the country. Some of the municipalities where the information was collected were: Apastepeque, Chiltiupán, El Sauce, Ilobasco, Sociedad, Tacuba and Tecoluca.
The recognitions were delivered by Vice Minister Robles Ticas, by María Deni Sánchez, IDB Social Protection Specialist BID and Dr. Jeannette Alvarado, director for the First Level of Care of the MINSAL. Winners received a recognition diploma and a financial amount in assets for their establishments, in accordance with the score obtained in the fulfillment of the health indicators assessed.
As background of this initiative, in 2014 the Specialized UCSF “Dr. Luis Ángel Ramírez” was built in the Municipality of Chalchuapa, for an amount in excess of $600,000 as recognition for the good performance and fulfillment of the scheduled goals.
The authorities trust that, with these interventions, cross-disciplinary staff will be motivated to work in teams, focused on the health model aimed at the individual, tyhe family and the community, based on comprehensive health primary care.